a map of hyper-space

Talking not Doing

Month: October, 2017

Brick space is crashing my life

So here is a picture of a cat. That’s what the internet is for an’t it. 


There be Dragons

I made a test plate for the Lino block for the Dragon Biscuit Tin. It’s okay in parts. But not loverly. Read the rest of this entry »

Time out…

 Things are a bit hard at the moment, so although I’ve lots of stuff done and lots of stuff on going you’re getting a shed picture.
Yeah individual strawberry pavlova and strawberry tea just about sums it up. I’m okay really, just had a few things flagged up that are going to take a while to process.

The first few weeks of term I was busy with a commission (is it still a commission if you commission yourself?).

Now I can step back and work out what I want to do next.

– I’m not sure if the V&A are doing Inspired By any more so there’s no rush with the dragon pot but I still want to finish it

– There are always more Maps

– Or there is option C

So it goes