a map of hyper-space

Talking not Doing

Month: November, 2015

Chine collé

Chine Collé is a printing technique that adds colour to a print without having coloured inks. Thin paper is sandwiched between the plate and the more heavier weight paper typical to print making. Here are some experiments with the first two starcharts. Read the rest of this entry »

Everything is broken

All my devices are sulking/ terminal. So I haven’t been able to up date as I would like.

Thank you for your patience. Normal service will be resumed eventually.


Star Charts

A few weeks previously to the homework being set this was brought home.


paper toy from Muji constructed from pieces of card which slot together

Once the little pieces had been pressed out the remaining cards had a fascinating patterns. I knew they would be good for somethings.
The house has decades of art class detritus lying around including tons of mount board to stick things too. So I carefully pealed off the surface of the card and stuck them down. But what were they? They looked I thought like some kind of space thing – charts or cockpit observations…

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We started the second half of there term with collagraphs. This is a relatively new technique in the history of printing and could be summed up as, printing with anything that stays still enough to be glued down.

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